Rules and policies are in place to make sure your child remains safe and well at school.
Visit the NSW Department of Education’s policy library for all current operational policies.
Our school uses the department's School Community Charter to ensure all of our communication is collaborative and respectful.
Attendance and absences
Students must attend school regularly so they can achieve their educational best and increase their career and life options.
In NSW, all children from the age of 6 are legally required to attend school or be registered for home schooling through the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA). All students must complete Year 10, or its equivalent.
Young people below the age of 17 who have completed Year 10 must be:
in school, or registered for home schooling
in approved education or training, such as a traineeship, apprenticeship or TAFE
in full-time paid employment (average 25 hours a week)
in a combination of work, education and/or training (average of 25 hours a week combined).
Students 17 years and over who are enrolled in school must attend school regularly to meet HSC course requirements.
As a parent or carer, you are responsible for ensuring your child attends school every day when they are of compulsory school age. You must explain all absences to the school within 7 days.
For more information about compulsory school attendance, visit:
Roll marking
Each day the Roll is marked electronically in Roll Call. If students miss Roll Call they report to reception and receive a late note.
Teachers also mark their class roll each period during the day. Our school marks the roll electronically, meaning we can track your daughters attendance very closely throughout the day.
All parents are sent an SMS after 10.00am if their daughter is absent from school or late to school.
After any absences, however short, a written explanation from Parents or Caregivers must be provided within 7 days, and given to reception or the roll call teacher. Alternately, parents can reply to the school electronically, either through return SMS, an email or via the Skoolbag App. Absence advice must include:
- Student's Family and Given Names
- Year and Roll Class
- Date/s and Reason for Absence
- Parent/Caregiver's Signature and Date of Note (if written)
Letters are sent to parents if a Notification of Absence note is not received.
Blank Notification of Absence forms are available from the School Administration Office or from Roll Teachers.
Late arrival
School commences at 8.40 am each day.
- If a student is late to school she should report to the School Administration Office to obtain a Late Note. Students are expected to bring a note explaining their late arrival. Arriving late three times without a note results in an interview with the Deputy Principal. Further lateness without a note can result in an afternoon detention. These are held on Thursdays in Room A6 between 2.35 pm and 3.10 pm.
- Students should arrive to class on time. If there is a reason for lateness to class, a note from the teacher detaining you should be obtained and presented to the teacher of your next class. If students need to finish a task prior to their next lesson, permission should be sought from their next teacher before completion of the task. Eg. if a student remains in the Library after Recess to print her work, she should first seek permission from her Period 3 teacher.
Gate passes
Students need a Gate Pass to leave school early. If there is a special reason to leave school during the day, students must bring a note stating name, year and roll class, the reason and time of departure and be signed by Parent/Caregiver. These requests need to be taken to the relevant Deputy Principal before school begins. Students should collect their Gate Pass from the Office at recess. Wherever possible, doctors or dentists appointments should be made outside school hours.
Extended periods of leave
Extended Leave must be approved by the Principal for holidays or travel for family reasons. Leave may be granted to cover absence from the school's educational program for short periods, providing the reason for absence is substantial and progress will not be unduly affected or jeopardise eligibility for the RoSA (Record of School Achievement).
Overseas travel
This is sometimes unavoidable due to family reasons. A letter to the Principal is required with the dates to be missed. Students must get a leave application from the Front Office. This is then returned to the Front Office and given to the Principal for consideration. It is not always possible to provide work for students who travel overseas during term time but students should liaise with Head Teachers regarding this. We recommend students keep a daily English journal/scrapbook and endeavour to learn the written and spoken language of the places visited. Much classwork is available online through platforms such as Moodle, Edmodo and iTunesU. Students should talk to all their teachers before they leave to minimise disruption to their learning while they are away.
Instructions to students:
- Bring a note stating the dates and duration of leave to the Front Office
- Notify each of your teachers
- Ask your teachers if there are any assessments you can do before you go.
If a student is ill at school or has an accident, she should obtain a note from the class teacher and report to the School Administration Office.At the Office your condition will be assessed and one of the following will apply:
- If a student is too ill to continue the school day, parents will be telephoned and arrangements made for her to return home. If it is not possible to collect the student, a taxi will be called to take the student to a nominated destination as discussed with the parent. If parents cannot be contacted, School Administrative Staff will refer to the Emergency Contact Person on the student's file.
- The student will be sent to Sick Bay where her condition will be assessed regularly. A video camera monitors students in the sick bay from the front office.
- Accidents at school: Where an accident has occurred, the student will be administered First Aid treatment and if possible, returned to class. If not, parents will be contacted. If necessary, an Accident Form will be supplied to be completed and returned to the Deputy Principal.
- First Aid: The services of First Aid will be provided for accidents that occur during school hours. Any first aid supplies that are loaned to students (e.g. ice packs, slings etc) should be returned the next day of attendance at school and in a clean condition.
- Medication: Medication is not available for students from school personnel, but authorised medication brought from home with a covering letter signed by Parent/Caregiver can be administered during the day. This medication must be left with the Administration Manager. All students who need the aid of an asthma inhaler are reminded to carry their inhaler at all times. There is a spare inhaler in the School Administrative Office if required.
- Medical Conditions: It is the responsibility of the Parent/Caregiver to inform the school in writing of any special/additional medical conditions affecting their daughter.
School frameworks (school rules)
As well as following the department’s operational policies, we have developed frameworks for our students in line with our school’s values and commitments.